Evaluation of corporate performances (CP) in public health service organizations (PHSO) in eastern province of Sri Lanka using balanced score card (BSC): a conceptual study

Type Journal Article - Annamalai international journal of business studies & research
Title Evaluation of corporate performances (CP) in public health service organizations (PHSO) in eastern province of Sri Lanka using balanced score card (BSC): a conceptual study
Volume 4
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 55-61
URL http://pakacademicsearch.com/pdf-files/eng/513/1-9 Vol 3, No 8 (2013).pdf
Hart and Bogan (1992) stated that performance of a management plan incorporates customer satisfaction,
people satisfaction, business performance and impact on society & environment. Objectives of this
research were to identify the factors affecting performances of PHSOs and to develop a conceptual model
using identified factors. Research is approached by review of previous literature. Literature Review
revealed factors determining organizational performance and BSC. Researcher develops a conceptual
model. An explorative research is designed. Around 50 articles were reviewed by author. Data were
collected from secondary sources during the period of 2011. Data were presented using conceptual model.
Qualitative data analysis was also done. Researcher concludes that patient, learning & growth, internal
business process and finance as factors influencing performances of PHSOs in Eastern Province of Sri
Lanka. A conceptual model has also been developed using these factors.

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