Youths' unemployment and crime in Nigeria: A nexus and implications for national development

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
Title Youths' unemployment and crime in Nigeria: A nexus and implications for national development
Volume 5
Issue 9
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 350-357
Crime is a phenomenon that is bedeviling various countries across the globe in varying degrees as it
affects policies and development. Any nation striving towards development must reduce the frequency
of crime to the barest minimum. In recent years in Nigeria, there has been an upsurge in the frequency
of crime committed. This has led to palpable fear among the populace as security of lives and
properties can no longer be guaranteed. The phenomenon of crime has impacted negatively on the
economic, social and political life of the nation over time. The youth population of any nation
represents the driving force for development. However, for the youths to become useful resources, they
must be gainfully employed. The youths are also the most volatile when their energies are misdirected
or channeled into wrong endeavours. Available data show that youth employment is very rampant in
Nigeria and this has contributed immensely to their involvement in criminal activities. The paper argues
that criminal activities such as armed robbery, kidnapping, political thuggery, militancy and other social
vices found among the unemployed and jobless youths have contributed greatly to the slow pace of
development in Nigeria. The paper proffers that addressing youths’ unemployment will stem the tide of
crime and foster rapid development in Nigeria.

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