Technical support on the elaboration of the rural electrification master plan of Jigawa State (Northern Nigeria)

Type Report
Title Technical support on the elaboration of the rural electrification master plan of Jigawa State (Northern Nigeria)
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
URL - support on the REMP of Jigawa State -​M. Villavicencio.pdf
The!infrastructures!and!services!sectors, and!more!specifically!the!power!sector!of!
Nigeria, has!gone!through!a!precarious!situation!during!the!last!years,!affecting!not!only!its!
economic!development!but! the!living!standard!of! the!population!in! terms!of!basic!service!
deficiencies.!The!Electric!Power!Sector!Reform Act! (2005),!the!Renewable!Energy!Master!
Plan!(REMP!2005), followed!by!the!constitution!of!the!Power!Holding!Companies!of!Nigeria!
(PHCN)! and! the! further! liberalization! of! electricity! markets! with! the! introduction! of! the!
Nigerian! Electricity! Regulatory! Commission! (NERC)! represent! the! undertaken! initiatives!!
Jigawa! State,! one! of the! poorest! states! of! Nigeria,! presents! extremely! insufficient!
access! to! basic! services to! its! 85%! rural! population.! In! particular,! according! to the! last!
survey! on 2008, the! electricity! access! was! estimated! on! 20%! and! additionally,!the! small!
electrified! portion! of! the! population, have! a! frequently! insufficient! power! supply.!
Therefore,! the! power! sector! reform! is! conceived! as! an! opportunity! also! for! the! state!to!
improve! its! energy! services.! The! development! target of! Jigawa! State! has! identified! the!
necessity! of! enhancing! electrification! as! a! relevant! subject! to! eradicate! poverty! by!
empowering! economic! growth.! It! is! also! conceived! that! achieving! the! millennium!
development! goals! also! goes! throw! improving! basic! services! in! which! energy! and!
In! 2009,! the regional government of! Jigawa! State,! in! its! “Jigawa! State! Economic!
Empowerment! and! Development! Strategies”! (J4SEEDS),! has! announced! electrification!
targets! to! be! accomplished! by! two! time! horizons:! 30%! of! electricity! access!with! 10%! of!
local! power! generation! by! 2012! and! 50%! of! electricity! access! with! 50%! of! local! power!
generation!by!2020. The!Rural!Electricity!Board! of! Jigawa!State, aligned!with! the! targets,
a.( Local! power! generation! capacity! projects.! Introduction of! Independent! Power!
c. New! sources for! power! supply.! Introduction of! biodiesel! from! Jatropha! Curca!
On! this! framework,! this! study! is! presented! as! a! cooperation! project,! sharing!
capabilities!and! responsibilities to! offer! technical! support! on! the!elaboration! of! the! rural!
the!project!are: the! Jigawa!State!Rural!Electricity!Board,!public!authority!of! the!state; the!
Center! for! Renewable! Energy! and! Energy! Efficiency! (ECREEE),! department! of! the!
Economic!Community!of!West!African!States!(ECOWAS); and!the!Cooperation!and!Human!
Development! Research! Group! (GRECDH),! research! unit! of! the! Polytechnic! University! of!
Catalonia!(UPC!4 Barcelonatech).This! study! has! been! conceived! in! two! parts,! the! first! part (Chapters! 1! and! 2! )!
pretends! to! set! the! foundations! of! the! project! by! compiling! the! background! information!
and!its! place! within! the! country,! as! well! as! a! brief! energy and! power! sector! history! and!
prospective,! its! current! regulatory! framework and! its! development! plans! related! to!
The! second! part! of! the! study (Chapters! 3,! 4! and! 5)! presents! a! brief! review of! the!
methodology! for! decentralized! energy! planning! (DEP),! followed! by! its! particular!
application! in! Jigawa! State! with! the! development! of! a! GIS! library! to! assess! the! current!
status! of! electrification! and! enhance! further! grid! expansion! and! off4grid! projects; an
evaluation!of!the!power!generation!strategy is!presented!in!Chapter!5,!considering a!local!
started! power! expansion! initiative, based!in! the! addition! of! new!diesel! generation! units,!
against! the! further! inclusion! of! alternative! power! generation! technologies! (diversified!

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