Fertility Trends and the Prospect of Family Planning Program in China: Its Future Changes and Related Policy Selection

Type Working Paper
Title Fertility Trends and the Prospect of Family Planning Program in China: Its Future Changes and Related Policy Selection
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://archive.iussp.org/Bangkok2002/S04Zhang.pdf
Since the 1970’s, when family planning policy was carried out, great achievement has been
achieved during the past 30 years in China. Although many people doubt about the family
planning policy, most countries agree with China’s family planning policy and praise the
contribute of Chinese government’s birth control to the whole world. Especially those
countries with fast population enlargement hope to learn something from China’s family
planning policy to solve their population problem.
Many demography index shown, that China has entered into a period of “Low fertility rate,
low mortality rate and low growth rate”. Many demographers think that China has entered
into the post-population transition period. How will the fertility change in China? Can the
current family planning policy fit into the new situation? Should it be kept up? Those are
what the article will answer. The following discussion is based on the censuses data,
especially the fifth census of China.

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