Public works programme and primary health care in South Africa: Creating jobs for health systems strengthening?

Type Journal Article - Development Southern Africa
Title Public works programme and primary health care in South Africa: Creating jobs for health systems strengthening?
Volume 32
Issue 5
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
Page numbers 623-638
This paper examines employment and skills training for community caregivers within the expanded public works programme in South Africa. The paper argues that, as currently conceptualised, the skills and learnership programmes for community caregivers fail to take full advantage of the prevailing labour market realities. Therefore, the paper argues for strategic reconceptualisation of the programme to include learnerships for community caregivers that impart more mid-level to higher-level skills to meet current and future labour market demands particularly in primary health care. This, it is argued, will address the scarcity of skills in the health sector of the economy. Furthermore, the proposed programme will simultaneously have positive impacts on unemployment, the primary health care system and the socio-economic well-being of community caregivers.

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