Integrated approach to sustainable power development for nigerian cities

Type Working Paper
Title Integrated approach to sustainable power development for nigerian cities
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Nigeria since independence has become an increasingly urbanized and urbanoriented
society. There are a myriad of concerns with respect to urbanisation and cities
growth throughout the world, including internal migration and emigration, employment, cost
of living, housing, sustainability and liveability. The latter two have recently been at the top if
the list of these concerns. Both sustainability and liveability concepts have originated in
developed, industrialised societies but are increasingly becoming of high interest and
concern throughout the world. The process of these concepts popularisation in developing
countries has revealed that they have been developed on the foundation of existing
technological achievements of developed countries and take some of the aspects of
development for granted. One of such is power development. “Powering” sustainability and
liveability of Nigerian cities requires sustainable power. The paper considers integrated
approach to developing sustainable power in Nigeria, including carbon footprint
considerations and stakeholders approach.

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