Road situation and the development of Katsina State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Research in National Development
Title Road situation and the development of Katsina State, Nigeria
Volume 9
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 401-410
URL Vol 9 No1 Chapter52.pdf
Road transportation is the most used means of transport in Katsina State as a large percentage
of the population depend entirely on it. This paper attempts an assessment of the road transport
situation in the state based on the road network, road quality, vehicular movement and other
infrastructures. It was found that there are many problems facing road transportation in the
State. These problems are multi-faceted and range from high traffic, bad condition of some
roads, overloading, occurrence of accidents and others. Recommendations are made in order to
ensure safe and efficient movement of people and goods within and outside the State for
economic growth and development.

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