Application of the capability approach to poverty in Nigeria: What can we learn from the missing dimensions of poverty?

Type Conference Paper - the 2010 Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) The University of Jordan, Amman
Title Application of the capability approach to poverty in Nigeria: What can we learn from the missing dimensions of poverty?
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This paper compares the assessment of poverty/deprivation using various
conceptions – the traditional money-metric measure, and different forms
of multidimensional constructs. It also explores factors that predict
deprivation and are associated with multiple counts of deprivation. The
data comes from a survey of households in Nsukka. The counting and FGT
methodologies were used in addition to probit and count models. Between
70% and 78% of the study population is poor. Poverty decomposition
shows higher headcounts among rural population, individuals with little or
no education and larger household sizes. Also, poor housing
characteristics, education, employment, and health are associated with
poverty. Recommendations include the use of an integrated approach
understanding the inter-linkages in the factors associated with poverty.

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