How the Adults Spend Their Leisure Time in Zabol

Type Journal Article - MAGNT Research Report
Title How the Adults Spend Their Leisure Time in Zabol
Volume 3
Issue 4
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 32-45
One of the most important urban subjects is the Space Quality of spending adults' leisure time.
Today, in cities, most of adults' leisure activities are reactive and admissive. As the mobility and
movement of citizens has reduced much and they prefer to spend their leisure time silently. The present
research, surveys with an analytical-descriptive method how the adults of Zabol spend their leisure time.
Data has been collected through librarian studies and filling out the questionnaire from the adults between
15-34 years old. Also, it has been used one variable T-test and Shannon Entropy models, AHP and the
software ARC GIS to analyze data. It was used Shannon Entropy model to evaluate the first hypothesis
and AHP model to evaluate the second hypothesis. The results of Shannon Entropy coefficient represents
that Cultural using with entropy weight of 0/336 has the most distribution and green space using with
Entropy weight of 0/234 has the least distribution between five areas of Zabol. Also, in AHP model,
analyzing the sensitivity of ranking items than weight changes of criteria and its diagram showed 7 of
efficiency of the surveyed components belongs to economic indexes which include the most share, social
indexes with 3 and cultural indexes with 2 have been ranked in second and third place,

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