Analysis of Effective Factors on the Population Growth in the City of Damavand and their Environmental Outcomes on the City (during the years 2006-2011)

Type Journal Article - MAGNT Research Report
Title Analysis of Effective Factors on the Population Growth in the City of Damavand and their Environmental Outcomes on the City (during the years 2006-2011)
Volume 2
Issue 7
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 57-68
With increase in the population and urbanization, human needs to the leisure, recreation and
refreshment in the natural environments have also increased (Oladi, 2005: 26). In order to maintain the
sustainability of these valuable resources, recreational use of them should be in accordance to their
environmental capacity. Theoretically,this research follows two intellectual bases, including: (1)
investigating the population of some cities with respect to the natural growth of the urban population
through balancing the births and deaths, (2) the effects of migration, regular movements, daily
movements (Zanjani, 1991: 33). Seyed Mirzaei in his article entitled “demographic transition” has
examined the transition of population as well as migration. This phenomenon is also considered to be
due to the social and economic factors.Saraie in his article entitled “stages of population transition”
has investigated the population transition reasons in Iran as well as its causes. His study’s results
showed that Iran’s population has passed the first stage and is entering into the second one. Arabmazar
and Keshvarishad in their study about investigating the effect of structural changes in the age of
population on the economic growth using statistics of the years 2009-2002 have shown that one
percent increase in the ratio of population of the age 15-64 to the all population in long term would
lead to 1.27 increase in GDP and one percent increase in the ratio of employed population to the
population of the age 15-64 in long term would lead to 1.89 increase in GDP. Zangane in his paper
besides investigating the rate of population growth and migration in Sistan-Baluchestan province
showed that although the trend of labor market indicators in separate years of 1986 and 1996have
differences, but a significant relationship between migration, labor market changes and demographic
changes has seen.In the terms of economic structure, results of this study indicate that in both
mentioned periods, the share of service activities in total employment, especially in urban areas in
comparison to other economic sectors,has been significantly considerable. Ebadidid a study entitled
“an application of the expected income hypothesis of Todaro”, i.e. urban unemployment and rural-tourban
migration in Iran, has done and arguedthat the problem of rural-to-urban migration and
unemployment in Iran can be explained through the framework of an economic dichotomy. He
showed that the primary cause of rural to urban migration is the presence of industrial and service
activities in urban areas and also the presence of major agricultural activities in rural areas. In studying
the stability or instability of cities as a system or social system, they emphasize on five variables,
including: population, environment, technology, system or organization and social and psychological
conditions. These variable factors have mutual relations with each other (Shakouie, Kazemi, 2005:
123). Muhammad in the year 2005 in an article entitled “Factors such as the political centrality of the
province, social and cultural centrality and environmental threats in Sanandaj as Iran's Kurdish
community”, has viewed sensitivity of governments and migrating flows as elements affecting on the
population growth and consequently the physical development of Sanandaj city and has also stated
that this issue in recent decades has had different and mainly unfavorable effects on the this city and
its surrounding that amongst them is environmental interference as well as interrupt in the urban
ecological balance. Other consequences include the change in the functionality of the agricultural and
natural lands as well as combination of several villages in the urban boundaries. Hosseinzadeh (2008)
in his article entitled “Influential views, factors and elements in the physical developments of Iranian cities” has shown that a metropolis such as Tehran in recent decades has been faced with numerous
problems such as increasing environmental pollution, ecological power loss, confiscation of the
resources of the supporting areas, increasing the load on the environment and more importantly the
inability of the city’s management in the provision and the administration of the city which all indicate
the more environmental instability in the metropolis of Tehran.Babaie(2008) in his article entitled
“The role of moderate cities in the spatial development of the East Azarbaijan province” investigated
and showed that the population growth in urban areas has led to structural problems in the outskirts of
the city of Tabriz as well as environmental consequences including uneven urban development,
environmental pollution and adverse ecological and environmental situation in the city. He considered
the ecological congestion around thecity of Tabriz mainly due to the population growth and his
suggestionfor solving the problemwas only through human-oriented approachesand planning
andexpressed different human needs. Mohammadzadeh (2007) in an article entitled “Investigating
environmental effects of urban development with giving emphasis on the cities of Tehran and Tabriz”
showed that the urban population of the developed or developing countries is determined with their
occupied spaces that alongside the population grows, the space was also occupied.

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