Final Report: Gender, Households and Migration in the Republic of Georgia

Type Report
Title Final Report: Gender, Households and Migration in the Republic of Georgia
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
In 2010, I received a Title VIII Combined Research and Language Training Grant from
American Councils, in support of my dissertation research on gender, social norms, and
migration in the Republic of Georgia. This grant allowed me to travel to Georgia during
the summer of 2010 in order to conduct in-depth interviews with returned migrants and
family members of migrants and meet with local experts on migration. I received
additional support for this research from the National Science Foundation through an
SBE Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (P.I.: Dr. Cynthia Buckley). This report
will describe my dissertation project, provide an overview of the progress I made during
my grant period, and discuss my plans for my dissertation.

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