Social-ecological Dynamics and the Effects of Bonding Social Capital on Local Fish Marketing in Grenville, Grenada La Dinamica Socio-ecologicos y los Efectos de Cohesivo Capital Social en la Comercializacion de Pescado en Grenville, Granada Dynamiqu

Type Working Paper
Title Social-ecological Dynamics and the Effects of Bonding Social Capital on Local Fish Marketing in Grenville, Grenada La Dinamica Socio-ecologicos y los Efectos de Cohesivo Capital Social en la Comercializacion de Pescado en Grenville, Granada Dynamiqu
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Grenville, the second largest fishing centre in Grenada, share characteristics typical of small scale fisheries across the eastern
Caribbean and further afield. A major fishery involves small tunas and tuna-like fishes. Approximately 50 boats, typically with a
crew of two, troll daily inside and along the edge of the island’s extensive shelf, landing on average nearly 400 metric tonnes of fish
annually. Sixty percent of these landings are usually blackfin tuna (locally known as ‘bonita’ or ‘common tur’) and skip jack tuna.
Over the last seven years, this fishery and particularly its marketing system, have been plagued with perturbations, both idiosyncratic
and covariate. In this paper, I explore some critical social-ecological factors that cause or contribute to these perturbations. I
highlight how bonding social capital between fishers and unemployed youths (two key categories of stakeholders in the fishery)
helps them to cope with some of these perturbations, as well as adding fire to the flame. This paper is part of larger doctoral research
on the governance of small-scale fisheries in the eastern Caribbean. The findings here are based upon information collected through
key informant interviews, participant observations, and informal interviews during a one year period of residence (July 2010 - June
2011) in the fishing community of Grenville

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