SME's from the agro-food sector - evolutions and performances in the crisis period

Type Working Paper
Title SME's from the agro-food sector - evolutions and performances in the crisis period
Volume 14
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The performance issue of a sector of activity and implicitly of a one of extreme importance for consumers (the agro-food sector) has a special significance for all the European states, providing them, among others, the necessary elements for elaborating and implementing the national economic policy measures. The aim of the present analysis is to acquire knowledge on the main changes of the structure of the business environment of the agro-food sector, as well as to quantify its level of performance and efficiency. From the methodological point of view, the analysis is based on available statistical information and it uses wellknown statistical methods, such comparisons and structures. Moreover, the analysis is completed by e set of economic and financial indexes, used for assessing the sector efficiency and performance.

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