Comparative study on the procedures and costs of setting up a limited-liability company in the EU

Type Working Paper
Title Comparative study on the procedures and costs of setting up a limited-liability company in the EU
Volume 5
Issue 6
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 283-289
The present paper analyzes the procedures and costs for starting a business at EU level. In 2013 most procedures performed when a company is registered are achieved in Malta (11 procedures), Romania is situated middle ranking (5 procedures). The number of days in which a company can be registered varies from 40 days in Malta up to 4 days in Belgium, and in Romania is 8,5 days. The share of the cost for starting a business per capital in EU decreased for the EU member states, except Malta and Hungary. Some EU states do not impose any more the minimum capital requirement (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, France, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal and England), and in other states, companies are conditioned by the deposit of relatively high startup initial capital (Austria with 47.8%, Slovenia
44.1%), in Romania is 0.7%.

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