Welfare shifts in the post-apartheid South Africa: A comprehensive measurement of changes

Type Working Paper - DPRU Working Paper
Title Welfare shifts in the post-apartheid South Africa: A comprehensive measurement of changes
Volume 07
Issue 128
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2007
URL http://www.careers.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/image_tool/images/36/DPRU WP07-128.pdf
The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive measure of shifts in welfare in postapartheid
South Africa by examining changes in both income and non-income welfare between
1993 and 2005. Previous research using expenditure or consumption-based measures of
income has shown that, depending on the data sources, household income poverty in South
Africa either remained static or increased slightly between 1995 and 2000 or between 1996
and 2001. Research considering the changes in non-income welfare in the post-apartheid
South Africa has found significant increases in the levels of non-income welfare, driven to a
large extend by the increased delivery of basic services by government since 1994.
Using factor analysis, we construct a comprehensive household welfare index that includes
public assets (government provided services), private assets (including education) and wage
and grant income. In addition, a public asset index and a private asset index are constructed
that allow us to analyse welfare as captured by access to government provided services
and privately owned assets respectively. Given the availability of data for 1999 we are able
to provide mid-period estimates for all three indices. When standard poverty measures are
applied to our derived indices, we find that total household welfare increased between 1993
and 2005. We also find that total welfare increased at a faster pace between 1993 and 1999
than between 1999 and 2005. The evidence suggests that in the first period the increase was
driven largely by increased government service delivery, while in the second period it was
driven by the growth in private asset ownership.

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