Female foeticide: A serious challange in Indian society

Type Working Paper - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Title Female foeticide: A serious challange in Indian society
Volume 55
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 50-54
URL http://www.dknmu.org/pdf/International_Journal_of_Interdisciplinary_Research.pdf#page=51
One of the most heinous ways of discrimination against women in a society is through female foeticide. To not even let her be born to face that world, is quite another. Why is female foeticide practiced by some? The answer lies in a complex array of interconnected and intricate reasons, which probably have roots in culture and society, but have a strong economic angle as well. A significant impact of educationa programme was found in the level of awareness regarding female foeticide and infanticide among adolescent boys and girls belonging to high and middle SES as a highly significant difference was observed in the pre-test and post-test scores of adolescents.

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