Factors Associated to the Labor Participation of Elderly in Mexico

Type Working Paper
Title Factors Associated to the Labor Participation of Elderly in Mexico
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://iussp.org/sites/default/files/event_call_for_papers/Factors Associated.pdf
Changes in population age structure in Mexico are yielding a higher proportion of
population in working ages. However, after 2027 the country enters demographically in a
very special situation. A positive growth of the elderly population will occur and this is
judged to be perennial. It is not thought to levels of fertility increase and expectation is that
mortality continues to decline until to reach a perennially elderly population.
Given these expected changes, there is a need to consider the dynamics and
relationships between demographic characteristics and economic dependence associated
with elderly. It is important to prevent its effects and mitigate its consequences. There are
several mechanisms to achieve economic livelihood in the elderly. One is through the right
to a pension from the state or the company where he worked through his years of working

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