Migrantes internacionales en las escuelas mexicanas: desafíos actuales y futuros de política educativa

Type Journal Article - Revista Electrónica Sinéctica
Title Migrantes internacionales en las escuelas mexicanas: desafíos actuales y futuros de política educativa
Issue 40
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 1-12
URL http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=99827467009
This article tried to offer a political reading –in terms of educational policies– of
15 years of research on international migrant children and adolescents. From
this investigative journey, the paper draws some lessons learned for defining
the challenges the Mexican school system is facing or is going to face in the fu
ture. We mean challenges related with policies designing, curricular and plan
ning definitions, training teachers (preparatory or in-service), content selection
and/or school operation’s rules. The main source of our data is four surveys we
conducted in Nuevo León, Zacatecas, Puebla, and Jalisco that allowed us to get
information from students enrolled in elementary and mid-high schools. From
the surveys, we estimate the volume of students participating in the international migration flows. The article focuses in three sub-populations: transnational students (those who have been enrolled in the U.S. and Mexican schools),
binational children (those who were born in the U.S.) and children left behind
(those who stay in Mexico while their parents and siblings are living in the U.S.)

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