Energy analysis of Gaza Strip's residential sector

Type Journal Article
Title Energy analysis of Gaza Strip's residential sector
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Energy consumption has increased substantially in Gaza Strip during the last decade. This paper presents some insights into GS’s energy consumption in the residential sector. The residential sector, which consists of urban, rural, and the refugee camps, consumes more than 52% of the total energy consumption in GS. Electricity, bottled LPG, solar, and wood are the main sources of energy in the residential sector. Energy consumption distributions by minor residential sector end-use energy for the main source of energy are reported. Results reveal the influence of the characteristics of each sector and living style on energy consumption distribution. It is clear that there are close similarity in energy consumption patterns and values in the urban and refugee camp households. Therefore, for general study of energy consumption, refugee camps can be considered urban areas and therefore the urban sector represents more than 88% of the households in GS.

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