Analysis and Prediction of Household Energy Consumption in West Bank and Gaza Strip

Type Journal Article
Title Analysis and Prediction of Household Energy Consumption in West Bank and Gaza Strip
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Energy sector is considered to be one of the most important components of a country's infrastructure and a key indicator of the standard of living. Energy consumption reflects upon population growth, living standard, and the level of development in all aspects of life. It is of utmost importance to study the current situation of energy consumption for developing energy plans and policies and to provide the decision makers with adequate tools for optimal management of the electrical sectors.
This paper presents the current energy situation in GS and WB. Scenarios for future consumption are developed. The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model (LEAP) is the simulation model used for the analysis of the data. The approach for exploring the energy sector in WB and GS consists of an historical retrospective study with a limited-time data series.

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