Coastal resources issues and management in north andaman island

Type Website Document
Title Coastal resources issues and management in north andaman island
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
The Andaman Islands located between latitudes 12 52 48 to newline13 35 15 N and longitudes 92 47 12 to 93 04 55 E is biologically rich in new line both diversity and abundance The coastal system of Andaman is facing new line several threats due to concentration of population exploitation of coastal new line resources discharge of waste effluent and municipal sewage development of new line several industries and ever increasing industrial activities along the coastal new line belt thereby increasing the stress on the natural resources along the coast As new line the stress is rapidly growing on the coastal ecosystem there arises a need to new line protect the coastal resources and ensure its sustainable production and new line development To achieve this an understanding of the coastal processes that new line influence the coastal environments and the ways in which they interact is new line necessary The objectives of the present study is to assess the socio economic new line status of the people to study the coastal geomorphology using Remote new line sensing and GIS to identify classify and quantify the various coastal new line resources and its impact to study the coastal resources issues to study the new line impact of December 2004 Tsunami to suggest suitable coastal zone new line management measures for coastal resources utilization development and new line management for North Andaman island newline new line

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