Maturity of cybersecurity initiatives in Malawi: A comparison with the drive for fast and ubiquitous Internet connectivity

Type Working Paper
Title Maturity of cybersecurity initiatives in Malawi: A comparison with the drive for fast and ubiquitous Internet connectivity
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Africa, in general, and Malawi, in particular, have seen a significant increase in Internet-enabled infrastructure. Various efforts are also underway to significantly increase Internet connectivity speeds and access. The development of cybersecurity initiatives in Africa, however, is lacking. This study looks at the current state of cybersecurity initiatives in Malawi against a background of significant efforts to greatly enhance Internet connectivity speeds and access. Focus is therefore placed on cybersecurity-related standards, policies and legislation, and cybercrime law, as well as higher- and end-user-education programmes. The study concludes that despite registering remarkable progress in information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure developments and related service roll-outs, Malawi is yet to make significant progress in the development of cybercrime legislation, higher-education programmes, end-user education, identity theft legislation, law enforcement for cybercrime, and standards and policies for cybersecurity.

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