Levels of Development in Central National Capital Region 1981-2001

Type Working Paper - India Journal
Title Levels of Development in Central National Capital Region 1981-2001
Volume 8
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 86-104
URL http://www.itpi.org.in/files/apr8_11.pdf
The paper studies the levels of development in the settlements of Central NCR, which is one of the three policy zones of NCR as per NCR Regional Plan 2021. Central NCR is an inter-state metropolitan region pivoted upon NCT of Delhi, and comprises six urban complexes in two states, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. This is a micro-level study, involving 514 settlements (24 towns and 490 villages) comprising Central NCR. The study is based on secondary data available from Census of India for the years 1981, 1991 and 2001. Development has been conceptualized in terms of levels of demographic urban influence and functional hierarchy of infrastructure. Simple statistical techniques have been used to arrive at a composite index for each settlement, which was then grouped into three categories high, medium and low.

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