Regional Aspects of Family Planning and Fertility Behavior in Indonesia

Type Working Paper - World Bank Staff WP
Title Regional Aspects of Family Planning and Fertility Behavior in Indonesia
Issue 462
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 1981
Discusses recent demographic trends, the family planning program, and determinants of fertility behavior and family planning practice in Indonesia, with emphasis on differences between Java-Bali and the Outer Islands. Indonesia's recently declining population growth rate, achieved at a relatively low level of income and socioeconomic development, is largely due to the falling total fertility rate in Java-Bali. The much higher growth rate in the Outer Islands remains a matter of concern. The success of the Indonesian family planning program in Java and Bali appears to result from strong political commitment, from the flexible organizational structure and innovative approach of the program design, which accomodates existing socio-political and socio-cultural institutions, and from efforts to ensure adequate provision of contraceptives, coupled in some cases with a favorable socioeconomic environment. Because of changes in program organization in the Outer Islands, particularly in the role of field workers there, it is not clear whether the success of the program can be replicated there. A multivariate analysis of data from the 1976 Intercensal Population Survey, which attempts to explain fertility behavior and family planning practices by socioeconomic factors as well as the analysis of family planning services, indicates that socioeconomic factors do influence fertility and family planning decisions but their significance may be reduced when all strata of society have easy access to contraception.

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