Kosovo legislation to ensure implementation of regional economic development

Type Working Paper
Title Kosovo legislation to ensure implementation of regional economic development
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
URL https://ritdml.rit.edu/bitstream/handle/1850/16490/MiftariBlerta_CapstoneProject_Report_2013-05-13.P​DF?sequence=1
This capstone project addresses the problem of implementation of regional economic
development and aspires to find the way of effectively executing of this process in Kosovo.
The main problem of implementation is lack of legislation. Regarding the importance and the
benefits that bring regional economic development to Kosovo, this project focused on three
main questions. First question was why the Kosovo government should draft legislation for
Regional Economic Development. Secondly, what are the advantages for drafting a strategy
and law for RED. Thirdly, why should this process have a responsible institution that will
lead, coordinate, and support the whole process.
The Government of Kosovo does not yet have the institutional framework or law for
balancing regional development through which institutions (ministries of line and
municipalities) can implement the RED process. Methods of analyses of this project included
the results from face to face questionnaires that were conducted with the officers from central
and municipal government, the European Union Office in Kosovo and NGOs. Case studies
on the implementation of regional economic development in northern and southern European

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