Situational Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse in a Low Income Country

Type Working Paper
Title Situational Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse in a Low Income Country
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
Introduction: Child sexual abuse is an issue of global concern. CSA has been estimated to, affect 2—62% of women and 3—16% of men as victims (Johnson.C.F., 2004). The variation in percentage is dependent on the definition of CSA being used (Johnson.C.F., 2004). World health organization estimated that globally nearly 40 million children upto14 years of age, suffer from various types of abuse and neglect and hence, require medical attention and social care (WHO 1999).

Method: Review of the available literature on child sexual abuse (CSA) in Pakistan since 1999, using search engines Google ,Pubmed, Medline and PsychINFO. Based on the results, give recommendations to improve the health and well being of survivors of CSA in Pakistan.

Result: Incidence of CSA has been increasing, with mostly acquaintances beingthe perpetrators.

Conclusion: CSAis a neglected epidemic in Pakistan.The issue requires attention by society, law enforcement, public health community, health practitioners and leadership. Poverty and illiteracy are the primary determinants of CSA.Evening schools and drop-in centers for working children would empower children against CSA.Provision of basic health facilities, skills based education, training of a multi disciplinary team comprising of doctors, nurses, lady health visitors, police and social workers to be able to recognize CSA and an ombudsman for CSA are other areas that could assist in reducing this menace.

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