Internal Migration in Albania: Analysis of Determinants through a self-selection model

Type Working Paper
Title Internal Migration in Albania: Analysis of Determinants through a self-selection model
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
Albania has been characterised by a large scale migration in international as well as internal terms. This paper is about the internal migration and the way in which such a phenomenon has changed the population structure around different regions in the country. We focus our analysis on the determinants of rural-urban migration. The rationale is that outflows from rural areas have dominated internal migration during the transition period. The purpose is to throw light onto the complex behaviour of migrant and non-migrant families, in order to understand the motives that form the migration process. The variable of interest that creates differences on such behaviour is the level of expenditure per family member among different families. We build a migration model, which takes into consideration the self-selection process of the migration families from the whole study sample. We use the Living Standard and Measurement Survey of year 2008 data applied onto logistic and probabilistic econometric models. Results support the Harris - Todaro and New Economics of Labour Migration theory regarding the income differences as a main determinant of migratory flows, both at individual and family level. Based on our heoretical and econometric results we try to conclude by providing some policy recommendations.

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