I can't get (no) satisfaction? A multilevel study on the satisfaction with democracy of individuals, ethnic groups and countries

Type Conference Paper - 6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 25-27, 2011
Title I can't get (no) satisfaction? A multilevel study on the satisfaction with democracy of individuals, ethnic groups and countries
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
City Reykjavik
Country/State Iceland
URL http://ecpr.eu/filestore/paperproposal/1b503057-e41c-44a9-874d-5f245943b69c.pdf
Democratization research focuses mainly on either countries or individuals. Ethnicity is, however, seen as one of the most relevant factors that hinders democratization. In its most extreme outcome, ethnic tensions cumulate to ethnic violence. But how does ethnic group membership influence democratization? Do individual or group-based factors explain satisfaction with democracy? In this study, the effects of individuals and their membership to ethnic groups are analyzed. Additionally, two power-sharing institutions are included in the analysis. Due to the structure of the Afrobarometer, previous survey studies have not yet incorporated both country and time effects. In this paper, a multilevel approach is used allowing a comparative analysis over time, countries, ethnic groups, and individuals.

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