Interviewer instructions
This filter is used to skip the next question if the woman did not take SP/Fansidar during her last pregnancy. If SP/Fansidar was taken (MN6B), continue with the next question. If SP/Fansidar was not taken, skip to question MN7. --- Here we are asking about preventive doses of SP/Fansidar, not curative doses given if she had a fever. Therefore, in this question, we want to know only about preventive doses. Record the number of times she took SP/Fansidar during pregnancy in the space provided. If the woman visited an antenatal clinic or other facility because she was sick with fever and was given SP/Fansidar, do not count this in the number of times she took SP/Fansidar during the pregnancy. Count only the 'doses' taken (three tablets taken at the same time = '1 dose') when the woman was pregnant and did not have a fever.