Question pretext
Table 7: Drug use from stock cards (ALL FACILITIES)
From the stock cards identify two dates spanning roughly one month, preferably during the period April-June, 2000).
Ensure that the starting date is before the ending date and that it is some time in between them (preferably around 1 month).
Start at a time when a new supply is received (or shortly afterwards), and ensure that no new supplies were received in the period and that there were no stockouts over the period. It is also important that the stock moved during the identified period; that is, the sum of "amount removed" and "stock after removal" at starting date minus the sum of "amount removed" and "stock after removal" at end date should be a positive number.
If the starting date is the same as the supply date, ensure that the stock is at least as large as the supply.
Record the starting date, the amount removed ('Quantity Out'), and the stock after the removal ('Balance in hand') of drugs on that date.
Record the ending date (roughly one month later), the amount removed ('Quantity Out'), and the stock after the removal ('Balance on hand').
Use 'NA' only if no records are available. There should be NO EMPTY CELLS.