Question pretext
Collect information on total number of each of the following types of vaccinations carried out for each of the last six months of the 1999/2000 fiscal year.
It is important that this information is calculated from the daily records of vaccinations, that is the daily tally sheets.
The data should NOT be taken from monthly averages.
Use 'NA' only when there are no records available for the specific month; otherwise enter '0'. Check carefully! There should be NO EMPTY CELLS.
In case data for months other than those stated in this table have been entered, these months must be entered in parentheses in the same cell as the number, e.g. "254 (Dec, 1999)".
If District Facility Data Sheets showed that there were NID/DID, check to see if this is noted in the vaccination tally sheets. If it is noted, note this down in a notebook, including which month, which vaccinations, and how many vaccinations.