Census of Agriculture 1993
Name | Country code |
Myanmar | MMR |
Agricultural Survey & Census
Myanmar participated in the World Census of Agriculture in 1953-54, but the coverage of that census was limited to 2000 village tracts in the neighborhood of 252 towns. A nationwide Sample Census of Agriculture was carried out in 1993. The 1993 Sample Census of Agriculture in Myanmar (MAC), was organized and carried out by the Department of Settlement and Land Records (SLRD) of the Ministry of Agriculture. Financial and technical assistance were provided by the UN Development Program, and by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, through the project "Census and Strengthening of the System of Agricultural Statistics". Township land surveyors belonging to the network of SLRD local offices did the field work. These people served as enumerators under the supervision of township agricultural census officers. The 1992-93 agricultural season, corresponding to the 12 months from 1 April 1992 to 31 March 1993, was the reference period.
Accumulated information in the 1993 Myanmar Census of Agriculture was:
(1) Agricultural holdings
(2) Sex, age, work status and educational attainment of Holders
(3) Employment of agricultural workers
(4) Use of machinery and equipment
(5) Use of fertilizers, pesticides, HYV seeds
(6) Irrigation
(7) Land Type
(8) Crops grown (annual and permanent), and
(9) Livestock
Name | Affiliation |
Department of Settlement and Land Records | Ministry of Agriculture |
Name | Role |
UN Development Program | Financial and technical assistance |
UN Food and Agriculture Organization | Financial and technical assistance |
The 1993 Sample Census of Agriculture covered 272 townships, out of a total of 319, in the 7 States and 7 Divisions of the Union of Myanmar; geographically, the entire country was covered except for a few remote areas with little agricultural activity and a few sparsely populated areas where security was lacking. All agricultural holdings, operated both by households and non-households were covered. Data on Holders and Land Use shown below exclude data on 593 "special holdings" with an area of 95 597 Ha.
In the preparatory stage of the census 3,105,304 agricultural holdings were listed to define the census frame.
The country is administratively organized into three levels: Union, State/Division and Township. The sample design used was a stratified two-stage sampling, in which the first stage sampling unit was the Enumeration Area (EA) within the township, and the second stage sampling unit was the agricultural holding within the EA. Every township was divided into a number of EAs: all EAs within a township were first grouped into four strata homogeneous on the basis of irrigation, crops, access, and cropping intensity. At the first stage, samples of EAs were drawn from each stratum with probability proportional to the expected number of holdings. At the second stage, samples of holdings were selected, by means of a systematic random sampling, from those EAs selected at the first stage. A sample of 250,000 holdings, representing almost 8% of the total number of listed holdings, was selected, corresponding to about 18,000 holdings for each State/Division, or to 900 holdings for each township.
Not specified
Start | End |
1993-02-22 | 1993-04-11 |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Not specified |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The Government of the Union of Myanmar - Ministry of Agriculture - Settlement and Land Records Department - Report on Myanmar Census of Agriculture 1993 - June 1995.
Name | Affiliation |
Settlement and Land Records Department | Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (July 2015)