Value |
Category |
1 |
No Taxis available at all |
2 |
Taxis Not available often enough |
3 |
Taxis Not available at the right times |
4 |
Taxis too expensive |
5 |
Too much crime (Too dangerous) |
6 |
Taxis too crowded |
7 |
Taxis don't go where needed |
8 |
Prefer private transport |
9 |
Prefer train |
10 |
Prefer bus |
11 |
Can walk |
12 |
Don't travel much |
13 |
Too much violence/ wars |
14 |
Have to pay cash |
15 |
Drivers are rude |
16 |
Taxis Not roadworthy |
17 |
Too many accidents |
18 |
Drivers drive recklessly |
19 |
Other |
88 |
Not applicable |
99 |
Unspecified |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.