Literal question
[Q.21 to be completed for each person whose full-time education has ceased]
Q.21 Full-time education received.
If the person attended any of the following types of school, etc., full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend write "None".
Primary: ___years
Interviewer instructions
Q.21: Full time education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full time education ad should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools at business colleges.
For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at each type of school, college etc. specified. "None" should be entered in the particular type of school etc., that was not attended full-time. It should be especially noted that the information required is in respect of the type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.