Interviewer instructions
Record for each specific rice crop on which plots it was planted, The interviewer is
requested to ask without recording the name of the plot but the code for each plot in order of the
listed plots in part A1, A2, A3... to each respective column for the listed crop. For example: the76
spring crop is planted on 2 plots, the first plot with code 1 in part A1, record code 1 to line 1,
column 1. The fifth plot with code 5 in part A 1, record code 5 to line 1, column 2.
However, this question has only 5 columns to record 5 plots, therefore the rule is to take
the 5 largest plots to record to the first, second, third, fourth and fifth columns. The remaining
plots will not be recorded code but their area will be included in question 3