Interviewer instructions
Children received disease prevention immunization include those who were born
since 1988 though they have received one injection or oral vaccine or have received all 8 types of
vaccines. Note that only children born since 1998 are asked about. If the child was born before
1988, skip to question 12
Here we don’t list names of all children in question 4 before asking questions
5 to 12, but we have to ask all questions from 4 to 12 for each child before proceeding to the next
child. The interviewer should make the respondent understand and only talk about their natural
children. Not respond for those living in the house but who are not their children (in case of a
shared household). The interviewer should also make the respondent understand that all
responses will be kept confidential, especially for an adopted child the mother doesn’t want
anyone to know about. It is stressed that the interviewer should try to make contact and interview
the selected woman without the presence of any third person.
Question post text
if the answer code is 2, skip to the question 12