Population and Housing Census 2010
Name | Country code |
St. Lucia | LCA |
Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]
A census has been conducted in St Lucia every 10 years since 1931. The 2010 census is a count - or inventory - of the population and housing of St Lucia on May 10th 2010.
Census information will reveal trends in St Lucian life. Strategic planners in both public and private sectors see the needs of present St Lucians and they can better forecast the probable needs of future St Lucians.
It is a great national project underpinning our democracy, playing its role in providing information for the determination of electoral boundaries; the allocation of financial assistance grants by the Ministry of Social Transformation, guiding the poverty reduction interventions of key agencies like the St Lucia Social Development fund.
It will involve detailed data collection of people living in all of the most remote communities in St Lucia, in our hospitals and prisons; in addition it will involve a count of the passengers on the cruise ships and yachts. The disabled, sick, poor, unemployed amongst us will be contacted to allow us to document their situation and thereby place the public, government, funding agencies, the private sector in a position to provide solutions to these issues.
In addition, government planners need accurate information in order to create and maintain necessary social and economic programs to ensure maximum use of public funds. The goods and services we buy would cost even more if business and industry were handicapped by lack of factual statistics on where people - potential consumers - are located.
The 2010 Saint Lucia Population and Housing Census is conducted by the Central Statistical Office staff. The island-nation of Saint Lucia recorded an overall household population increase of 5 percent from May 2001 to May 2010 based on estimates derived from a complete enumeration of the population of Saint Lucia during the conduct of the recently completed 2010 Population and Housing Census. Saint Lucia's total resident population as at midnight on Census Day, the 10th May 2010 stood at 166,526 persons. Saint Lucia's total population including non-resident persons was estimated to be 173,720, the total number of non-resident persons was 7,194. The preliminary count of Saint Lucia's enumerated population was 151,864 persons reflecting a response rate to the census of 92%. The total resident population of St. Lucia is comprised of 82,926 males and 83,600 females. Out of this sum, there were 165,595 individuals residing in private households, 931 persons living in institutions.
A modern population and housing census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing, and publishing demographic, socio-economic, and environmental data pertaining to all persons in a country and the national housing stock at a specified time. A census is a form of national stocktaking. Since the census is a complete count of the population and living quarters, it provides detailed benchmark data on the size of the population, age structure, educational attainment, economic activity, disability, housing, and household amenities as well as other major socio-economic characteristics.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Several versions of the dataset has been produced. There were the intial two SQL Server Datasets entitled Census2010 and Census2010_Validated, these contained raw data, however, there were some automated edits which went into the Census2010_Validated dataset.
These datasets were exported along with the scanned images of the census 2010 questionnaires. The scanned images were stored at the highest level in two folders namely household and person. Within the person and the household folder, a folder of the ED (Enumeration District) was created within which the household questionnaires identified by household number was stored. The same was done within the ED folder for person questionnaires within the persons folder and the images of persons within the households were identified by household and person number.
The first version of the clean dataset was produced in April 2011 for the production of Preliminary Census 2010 data on key variables. All key variables were cleaned, age, sex and other demographic variable, dwelling type and other housing variable, education and economic activity variables.
The second version of clean data was produced by the end of May 2011 when all variables were completely cleaned including those which had not been fully cleaned in the first version of the editied dataset, including occupation, industry, disability, fertility etc..
The scope of the PHC includes:
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
fertility [14.2] | CESSDA | |
migration [14.3] | CESSDA | |
morbidity and mortality [14.4] | CESSDA | |
information technology [16.2] | CESSDA | |
employment [3.1] | CESSDA | |
unemployment [3.5] | CESSDA | |
in-job training [3.2] | CESSDA | |
basic skills education [6.1] | CESSDA | |
compulsory and pre-school education [6.2] | CESSDA | |
accidents and injuries [8.1] | CESSDA | |
general health [8.4] | CESSDA | |
housing [10.1] | CESSDA | |
children [12.1] | CESSDA | |
elderly [12.2] | CESSDA | |
youth [12.10] | CESSDA | |
social conditions and indicators [13.8] | CESSDA | |
Labor Markets | World Bank | |
Education | World Bank | |
Primary Education | World Bank | |
Secondary Education | World Bank | |
Tertiary Education | World Bank | |
Health | World Bank | |
Information & Communication Technologies | World Bank | |
Gender | World Bank | |
Children & Youth | World Bank | |
Social Development | World Bank |
National Coverage includes all Administrative Districts and Political Constituencies
Settlement or Enumeration District
The Census covered all de jure household members (usual residents of St Lucia based on the six month criteria). The fertility of all women aged 15-49 years resident in the household, and all children aged 0-4 years (under age 5) resident in the household. The Census also collected data on dwelling and housing conditions of all resident householders. In the Census Visitation record all de jure household members were counted by sex, in addition, persons present in St Lucia at the time of the census who were not usual residents were also counted to produce the de facto population of St Lucia on census day May 10, 2010.
Name | Affiliation |
St. Lucia Central Statistics Office | Government of Saint Lucia |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Health Wellness, Family Affairs, Human Services, and Gender Relations | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design | |
Statistics and Planning Unit | Ministry of Education and Culture | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design |
Ministry of Social Transformation, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design | |
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design | |
CARICOM Statistics Office | Caribbean Community Secretariat | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design |
St. Lucia Social Development Fund | Ministry of Social Transformation, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports | - [Technical assistance in] questionnaire design |
Name |
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Planning and National Development |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Edwin St Catherine | Director, Central Statistics Office | Census Officer and Computer Programming and Data Editing Expert |
Majella Louis | Assistant Director, Central Statistics Office | Deputy Census Officer |
St. Lucia Electricity Services | Publicity | |
Teddy Francis | Publicity Consultant | |
Burt Collymore | Computer Programming and Data Editing |
The following represents the response rate to the 2010 Census by Districts. Overall the response rate to the Census was 92%, of the 8% non-responding households, 1.7% refused, 3.7% were away from their households for less than six months and the remainder could not be contacted or had deferred the interview and could not eventually be enumerated.
The response rates of the districts and overall response rate are listed below:
Total Castries - 92%
Castries City - 89%
Castries Suburban - 90%
Castries Rural - 93%
Anse La Raye - 96%
Canaries - 94%
Soufriere - 91%
Choiseul - 94%
Laborie - 97%
Vieux Fort - 90%
Micoud - 87%
Dennery - 94%
Gros Islet - 90%
TOTAL - 92%
Responses rates were lowest in the most urban parts of St Lucia, Gros-Islet, Castries and Vieuxfort. The table obove shows the total number of households who responded to the census and the response rate by District.
Weights to compensate for non-response, refusals and non-contacts was applied to the data by Enumeration District based on the difference between the actual number of household enumerated and the total number of household listed. The household weight in the household and emigrant datasets is labeled HWEIGHT and it is labeled PWEIGHT in the person dataset.
The questionnaires were bound together into booklets. Each booklet contained a cover page (for identification and the Record of Visits), page 2 for Listing the names of the members of the Household and for any comments needed concerning any member of the household or any part of the enumeration. NATIONAL ARCHIVES, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION and HOUSING spread over pages 3 to 5.
After these sections, three individual questionnaires (6 pages each) complete the booklet. These booklets provide for three (3) persons and are to be used for households consisting of three (3) or fewer persons. If the household comprises more than three persons, the main booklet plus the number of additional person questionnaires were required. For example,
For a 1, 2, 3-person household, use one booklet;
For a 4-person household, use one booklet plus one additional person questionnaire.
For a 5-person household, use one booklet plus two additional person questionnaires and so on.
The ED Number and the Household number contained on the front cover page of the main questionnaire was transferred to the top of the front page of EVERY person questionnaire whether or not it was an individual questionnaire within the main booklet or whether it was an individual questionnaire applicable to a household with more than three persons.
The individual questionnaire starts at Section 3. The questions are divided into eleven groups, each having a central theme and given a section number as follows:
Section 3: Personal Characteristics (for all persons)
Section 4: Birthplace & Residence (for all persons)
Section 5: Disability (for all persons)
Section 6: Health (for all persons)
Section 7: Education and Internet Access (for all persons)
Section 8: Professional, Technical & Vocational Training (for persons 15 years and over)
Section 9: Economic Activity (for persons 15 years and over)
Section 10: Income and Livelihood (for females 15 years and over)
Section 11: Marital Status and Union Status (for persons 15 years and over)
Section 12: Fertility (for persons 15 years and over)
Section 13: Where Spent Census Night (for all persons)
Start | End |
2010-05-11 | 2010-12-15 |
Name | Affiliation |
St. Lucia Central Statistical Office | Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Planning and National Development |
Interviewing was conducted by teams of interviewers. Each interviewing team comprised of 3-6 interviewers and a supervisor. Each interviewer was assigned an Enumeration District consisting on average of about 115 households. Consequently, supervisors were assigned 3-6 contigous EDs one of which was assigned to each enumerator. Each district was assigned an area supervisor responsible for 10-15 supervisors, with the area supervisors reporting to the Census Officer who was the Director of Statistics.
The duties of the Area Supervisor and the Supervisor was laid out in the contract for employment seen below:
Contract between the Central Statistics Office and the Census Supervisor for the conduct of census for the period May to July, 2010.
Launching of the 2010 National Population and Housing Census:
The Central Statistics Office of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and National Development launched the 2010 National Population and Housing Census in conjunction with Helen Info 2.0 and Census Info Saint Lucia Data Dissemination Tools at Bay Gardens Hotel on Monday, January 25, 2010 from 8:30 a. m to 1:00 p.m.
Helen Info 2.0 is a software dissemination package which features selected socio-economic indicators on St. Lucia. Census Info Saint Lucia on the other hand, is an innovative and flexible database technology for the dissemination of information on Population and Housing Censuses. Census Day for Saint Lucia was determined to be May 10, 2010.
The launch included an address by Mr. Edwin St. Catherine Director, Statistics Department with the Feature Address given by Honourable Stephenson King, Prime Minister of St. Lucia. There was also a brief discussion on the census questionnaire by Ms Majella Louis, a mock census interview and a skit performed by a local cultural group Che' Campeche.
Pre-test and Pilot Census
There were several pre-test for the Census questionnaires, these took place from August 15, 2009 - Jan 15, 2010 and included 8 interviewers who would later become area supervisors/supervisors for the census. The pilot was conducted after several pre-test of the census questionnaire was completed this was conducted during the last week of January 2010. The Statistical Office conducted a pilot census to test the questionnaire with different sub-populations, the visitation record, the quality of the pre-census visitation record being collected by the 16 mapping assistants, census manuals and other census material available up to that point.
The interviews were distributed around the island and interviewer was allocated to specific ED within most Districts of St Lucia. Interviewers were asked to use the draft census questionnaire to interview the first 7 households within the ED with all the census materials available up to the time of implementation of the pilot census. This included the drafts of the Census Enumerator's manual, the census visitation record, the pre-census visitation record. Control forms were not tested.
After the conduct of the pilot census a meeting was held and the weaknesses in the census 2010 materials were identified, problems persisted in the section on migration in the census questionnaire and these were further discussed and proposals were made for their review and enhancement. There were many editorial errors still in the census 2010 enumerators manual and the need for a supervisors manual was also recognised. The word "private household" was dropped and replaced with "household", the definitions of key concepts were refined and enhanced.
There were also weaknesses identified with census maps and the numbered household points on the arial photo obtained from the Lands and Surveys Department. Tighter procedures for the development of pre-census visitation records and geo-referenced building points on aerial maps were implemented.
Interviews in the pilot averaged 20 minutes for the household questionnaire, 25 minutes for the person's questionnaire. The overall field coordinators for the pilot were Ms Majella Louis and Ms Martha Joseph under the general supervision of the Director of Statistics, Mr Edwin St Catherine.
Selection of Enumerators
The Central Statistical Office placed ads in several newspapers advertising posts for census interviewers and supervisors in early February 2010. The application forms for these posts were also placed on the website of the Central Statistical Office at The census 2010 application form was printed and placed at several points within the Statistical Office and persons who had seen the advertisement arrived at the Statistical Office to obtain these forms. The period of advertisement for these post lasted for the entire month of February 2010. A total of 1,454 application forms for census positions were recieved. 1,233 of the applicants took the census test and approximately 700 were selected for training.
Data editing took place at a number of stages throughout the processing, including (See External Resource for more information on this item):
a) Field Editing by interviewers and field supervisors
The guidelines for the conduct of these edits were laid out in PART IX: Checking Your Questionnaires for Errors in the Enumerators Manual. These instructions are repeated in the supervisors manual and also stated in the contract for payment of enumerators and supervisors. A number of elements of the edits outlined formed the basis for the payment of enumerators and supervisors.
b) Office editing and questionnaire re-numbering
When a full set of questionnaires from a completed ED was recieved by the office, persons assigned as census evaluators had the responsibility to review the content of each Questionnaire to check for completeness. They were required to perform checks on the questionnaires and the visitation records for the key geographic variables and perform other checks in line with the requirements of a Census Evaluation form which laid out quality standards for the approval of a completed ED for payment. The Census evaluation form is provided as an external resource for information.
c) Data Capture, Editing and Coding during scanning and data verification
The data was captured using TELEform V10.4.1 and the data from the forms was exported to a SQL Server 2005 database as was all other census related information captured on forms, such as the census 2010 Evaluation form, referred to previously, the census visitation record etc.
The names of the SQL Server Databases are as follows:
The correction of geographic variables was completed during this process. The scanner operator would manually enter the ED code for the batch being scanned, he would also enter the first and last household for the batch manually. Later the verifier would independantly verify the ED and the household number entered by the enumerator against the values entered by the scanner operator to ensure that they were either the same as in the case of the ED number or within the range of households expected in the batch as in the case of the household number. This was done using VBA validation code written within the TELEform 10.4.1 software used for the scanning and capture of the data from the Census.
Computer Assisted Coding was built into the TELEform template, this method assisted the enumerator using keywords to identify the code for the entry of the appropriate settlement, industry or occupation code. A listing of the codes used is attached to this document as an external resource. Occupation codes are in the international format of ISCO-08 while the industry code applied is based on ISIC Rev4.
d) Structure checking and completeness in Foxpro
The data was exported to MS Access and then on to MS Foxpro where some basic editing was done.
e) Detailed variable level editing using CSPRO 4.0 and hotdecking
Detailed programs were developed to clean census data on critical variables in the housing section of the questionnaire such as Type of Dwelling, household assets etc, demographic variables such as age, sex, education and economic activiity variables were cleaned in the first version of the CSPRO 4.0 *.bch program file developed. After the first version of the cleaning program was complete the Statistical Office published the Preliminary Census 2010 Report (Updated April 2010). The first version of this publication released in January contained only data on population counts from the census visitation records. The updated April 2010 Preliminary Census report contained information on all the main variables cleaned in the first version of the cleaning program. The CSPRO 4.0 program employed the use of many 3-dimensional hotdecking programs to correct for items not stated or recorded.
f) Checking of data files using the Tabulation Features of CSPRO 4.0 and SPSS 19
Crosstabulations of variables were used to identify inconsistent data and improve CSPRO 4.0 editing programs
Detailed documentation of the editing of data can be found in the "Editing Manual for Census 2010" document provided as an external resource.
A series of data quality tables are available to review the quality of the census data and include the following:
Data available from the 2010 publication by the Ministry of Education entitled "Education Statistical Digest, 2010, Past Trends, Present Position and Projections up to 2013/14" produced by the Data Management, Corporate Planning Unit, Ministry of Education and Culture:
Total Primary School Enrollment
Total Secondary School Enrollment
Total Enrollment in Pre-School
Total numbers of electors available from the St Lucia Electoral Department (This data does not conform to the definitions used to collect census data an is therefore not strictly comparable)
Data on pre-census enumeration counts collected before the census to cross-check ED totals recorded in census visitation records collected during the census. These counts were based on geo-coded buildings and are likely to be very accurate and therefore obviated the need to conduct a post census enumeration.
Data on labour force statistics produced by the Central Statistics Office were validated by statistics obtained from the Census Dataset.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Central Statistical Office | Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Government of Saint Lucia | | |
Laws of St. Lucia: Statistics Act Chapter 17.12, Vol. 19 of 2001
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
St. Lucia Central Statistics Office. Saint Lucia Population and Housing Census 2010, Ref. LCA_2010_PHC_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Edwin St Catherine, Director of Statistics | Central Statistics Office of Saint Lucia | | |
Majella Louis, Assistant Director of Statistics | Central Statistics Office of Saint Lucia | | |
Name | Role |
St Lucia Central Statistics Office | Documentation of Study |
Version 1.0 (October 2010)
Version 2.0 (March 2014) Modified by World Bank Microdata Library.