Literal question
(9) Continued follow-up questions for persons with principal usual activity status codes 92 and 93 (reference: question 12 of section 4)
[Questions 1-25 were asked of persons who attended domestic duties, per question 12 in section 4.]
20. For code 1 in question 19 [If bringing water from outside the village, per question 19.], distance in kilometres ____.
Interviewer instructions
5.9.0 Block 9: Follow up questions for persons with principal usual activity status codes 92 and 93 (i.e. those engaged in domestic duties): In order to study the pattern of activities carried out along with domestic chores of those classified as engaged in domestic duties - particularly women, a separate set of special follow-up questions have been designed. These follow-up questions will be asked to all normal members of the household, classified as engaged in domestic duties according to usual status (i.e. those with usual status codes 92 and 93), and the relevant answers will be recorded in terms of the specified codes. Entries against items 1 to 14 will be recorded in the first sheet and that for items 15 to 25 in 2nd sheet. The serial no. against item 1 in the first sheet will be copied against item 1 is the second sheet.
5.9.4 Item 20: If for a particular person the answer to the question listed against item 19, i.e. whether the person brings water from outside the village, is 'yes' (code 1), the distance (rounded off) to the nearest kilometre) the person had to travel from the household premises to the point of the source of water will be recorded against this item.