Literal question
(8) Follow-up question for children 5-14 years
[Questions 1-21 were asked of persons who were 5-14 years old.]
If code 1 in question 3
[Questions 5-12 were asked of persons who were currently attending school, per question 3.]
If code 1 in question 5:
[Questions 6-12 were asked of children who were also working, per question 5.]
12. Whether the work helps the household economically:
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Interviewer instructions
5.8.0 Block 8: Follow-up questions for children aged 5-14 years: This block, which will be filled in only for persons aged5-14 years in children, is meant to record the education and activity profile of children. The details to be recorded include school attendance particulars, work related activity, etc. The time reference for identifying the activities pursued by children will be strictly that followed in either block 4 or block 5. Instead a reasonable regularity activity will be the criteria. A child will be considered working if he has spent at least a day any work with some regularity which may be seasonal.
5.8.12 Column (12): Whether the work helps the household economically (yes-1, no-2): Sometimes, children are asked to work to reduce the work-load of the elders or to enable them to be engaged in some household chore. In other occasions, the children's work make a positive contribution to the household's economy. It is to be ascertained whether the level of living of the household is any way better owing to the work done by the children. If yes, code 1 will be recorded. But if the child's work does not make any material change in the well being of the household, code 2 will be recorded in this column.