Value |
Category |
AbsentSchoolWhy |
Ben_SecCommPos |
Dwell_FloorType |
Dwell_WallsType |
Ent_Activity_Code |
HHP_HowFound |
HHP_NB_NotAttendWhy |
HHP_NB_NotFairReason |
HHP_NB_NotFairReason2 |
HHP_NB_NotPartReason |
HHP_NB_NotPartReason2 |
HHP_NB_VetRejWhy |
HHP_NB_WhereReg |
HHP_NB_WhyNotSel |
HHP_NB_WhyNotSel2 |
HHP_NotFairReason |
HHP_NotFairReason2 |
HHP_NotPartReason |
HHP_NotPartReason2 |
HHProv_RelationshipToProv |
HH_BetterOff1YDesc1st |
HH_BetterOff1YDesc2nd |
HH_BetterOff1YReason1st |
HH_BetterOff1YReason2nd |
HH_CashOweReason |
HH_CashOweToPay |
HH_CashOweWhyNot |
HH_CashSavingsWhere |
HH_ClanOfHH |
HH_CookingAppliance |
HH_CookingFuel |
HH_CreditForWhat |
HH_CredtWhyNot |
HH_FoodS_Rains1A |
HH_FoodS_Rains1B |
HH_FoodS_Rains1D |
HH_FoodS_Rains1E |
HH_FoodS_Rains2A |
HH_FoodS_Rains2B |
HH_FoodS_Rains2D |
HH_FoodS_Rains2E |
HH_LightingFuel |
HH_MainLanguage |
HH_MainShock1 |
HH_MainShock2 |
HH_PrimRecipPos |
HH_Religion |
HH_SecRecipPos |
HH_WhyHHMoved |
HH_WorseOff1YDesc1st |
HH_WorseOff1YDesc2nd |
HH_WorseOff1YReason1st |
HH_WorseOff1YReason2nd |
HealthProb |
InterviewLanguage |
LivCode |
Mem_Ed_AbsentPastYearWhy |
Mem_Ed_ClassWouldBeIn |
Mem_Ed_GradeObtained |
Mem_Ed_SchoolType |
Mem_Ed_WhyNeverAttendedSchool |
Mem_HealthProvType1 |
Mem_Health_WhatIllness |
Mem_Mob_Absent12MonthsWhy |
Mem_Mob_Absent7DaysWhy |
Mem_OtherOccupation |
Mem_ReasonNotConsulted |
Mem_RelationToMainProvider |
Mem_handicapType1 |
Occupation |
ReasonHeightNotMeasured |
ReasonWeightNotMeasured |
TypeToilet |
TypeWater |
UnavailabilityReason |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.