This question is asking source of primary income of most villagers in the village/kelurahan. Source of primary income is sector or business where most villagers earn income from. Sector of income :
1 Agriculture, covers food and non-food agriculture, agriculture and farm service, forestry and wood cutting, hunting, wild animal conservation, sea and land fishery
2 Mining and excavation : activity/field of business in mining and excavation ; coal mine, oil and natural gas, metal ore, stone, stone, clay, sand, salt, raw mineral fertilizer, gypsum, asphalt, etc.
3 Manufacture industry ; activity to convert raw material into made or half-made products, from less-valued product into higher-valued products, covering :
- Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing industry;
- Textile, clothe, leather, wood and meubelair industry;
- Paper and paper-related industry, printing and publication, chemical, oil and coal, rubber and plastics industry;
- Non-metal mining, other than oil and coal
- Primary metal industry ; metal production, machinery and tools
- Other industry
4 Electricity, gas and drinking water, i.e : electricity, gas and geothermal, water construction and supply.
5 Construction/building : land clearance , building construction and civilian building, building installation and civilian building, construction/demolition equipment rental and operator
6 Trading (gross trading, retail, restaurant and hotel), i.e : gross trading, retailer, restaurant, food and drink stall, hotel and inn.
7 Transportation : land, water and air transportation, transport and connecting service..
8 Finance institution (finance, building and land rent insurance and company service) i.e :insurance, housing, and trade service
9 Public service : general administration and land, health and health-related service, social and public relation, tourism and cultural, private and household service, international/foreign institution service
95 Other, sector / field of business other than option 1-9 above
Source of primary income is primary job of most respondent/community. Primary job is working activity which spend most of respondent's time and contribute most to his/her income. If a respondent says he/she has 2 jobs, as a farmer and a merchant, ask which job spend most time and contribute more. Choose answer from the available classification, if respondent's respond doesn't fit with any of the classifications, probe again because respondent may answer with different classification. Use option ”95” if the respond is truly outside the available classification.