Ask this question in each row/community activity, if yes circle "1" and "3" if no then ask the next row. These are the community activities :
a) Government activity and participation : meeting between community members in all level : Rukun Tetangga(RT), Rukun Warga(RW).
b) Religious group : activities by religious group, example : pengajian and tahlilan, pesantren, group of mosque or church youths, religious ceremonies, etc.
c) Social service group : usually found in every village /kelurahan, dusun or RT/RW. Group activity : disseminate information and skill to community members, example : school committee, PKK, Program Keluarga Harapan, neighborhood security system or puskesmas.
d) Recreation / entertainment group : example : sport, dance, wayang, campursari.
e) Mass organization / political party
f) Worker and production group : usually conducted in group, like labor market or farm labor service..
g) Credit/finance group : arisan,pokmas IDT or save / borrowing group
h) Other, example : in South Solok (West Sumatera ), there is a community program for hunting wild boar.