Interviewer instructions
This question is asked of all those who have heard of HIV/AIDS and aims to find out if individuals know of a source where an HIV test can be performed. Even if the respondent has been tested, we ask this question because the original testing place may no longer be accessible to the respondent.
Question post text
Check: Is the woman a caretaker of any children under five years of age?
If yes, go on to the Children's Questionnaire and administer one questionnaire for each child under five for whom she is the caretaker. If no:
Check: Does another eligible woman reside in the household?
If yes, end the current interview by thanking the woman for her cooperation and administer the Women's Questionnaire to the next eligible woman.
If no, end the interview with this woman by thanking her for her cooperation.
If all children have been weighed and measured, the interviews for this household are now complete. Gather together all the questionnaires for this household and tally the number of interviews completed on the Household Information Panel.
Before you leave the household, check to ensure that all the questionnaires were completed in full and that there are no blanks left. Be sure to distinguish between true zero answers and missing data or "doesn't know" answers.
Make sure to fill in the Cluster and Household number at the top of each form before leaving the dwelling. Clip the pages together as instructed and give them to your supervisor.