Interviewer instructions
You should begin by saying:
First, please tell me the name of each person who usually lives here, starting with the head of the household.
List the head of the household in line 01. List all household members (HL2), their relationship to the household head (HL3), and their sex (HL4). Then ask:
Are there any others who live here, even if they are not at home now? If yes, complete the listing for questions HL2-HL4. Then, ask questions starting with HL5 for each person at a time.
If the respondent knows the date of birth for the member of the household, record the answer in months and year. You will need to convert the month into numbers. For this, January is '01', February is '02', March is '03', and so on. If the respondent does not know the month of birth, enter the code '98' for 'Don't know month' and ask for the year of birth. Try to obtain at least the year of birth. If year is still unknown, enter '9998'.