Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis 2006
Name | Country code |
Rwanda | RWA |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
WFP proposed to undertake a national Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) with the objective of measuring the extent and depth of food insecurity and vulnerability and identifying the underlying causes. The study is intended to inform relevant decision-making processes to mitigate food crises and increase food security.
The purpose of this Comprehensive Food security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) is to provide an accurate baseline and understanding of chronic food insecurity and vulnerability conditions in rural Rwanda, and how best to respond to them. It seeks to answer five main questions:
Sample survey data [ssd]
v01: Basic raw data, obtained from data entry
The survey instrument sought to collect quantitative data on 13 components:
(1) demographics;
(2) housing and facilities;
(3) household and productive assets;
(4) inputs to livelihoods;
(5) migration and remittances;
(6) sources of credit;
(7) agricultural production;
(8) expenditure;
(9) food sources and consumption;
(10) shocks and food security;
(11) programme participation;
(12) maternal health and nutrition; and
(13) child health and nutrition.
Sections 12 and 13 included measurement of weight and height.
Topic | Vocabulary |
Agriculture & Rural Development | World Bank |
Food (production, crisis) | World Bank |
Land (policy, resource management) | World Bank |
Rural area
Sub-provincial level (food economy zones).The 12 food economy zones (FEZ) identified in 2003 by the Rwanda Vulnerability Baseline Assessment conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports (MIJESPOC), the Ministry of Local Administration, Community Development and Social Affairs (MINALOC), the
World Food Programme (WFP) and FEWS NET. All FEZ but Kigali were surveyed.
Rural households from the nationally sampled area
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics Rwanda | Government of Rwanda |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
World Food Programme | International Organisation | Technical assistance |
Name |
Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity |
Europian Commission (Humanitarian Aid) |
MSF-Belgium |
The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of the Prime Minister’s Office |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
MINALOC | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
MINECOFIN | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
UNICEF | International Organisation | Technica assistance |
Medecin Sans Frontières | International Organisation | Technica assistance |
The head of VAM, Joyce Luma | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
Food security partners in Rwanda (FEWS NET, MINAGRI) | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
Staff of the WFP country office | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
National Institute of Statistics (NISR) | Government of Rwanda | logistics, planning and coordination stages of the survey |
WFP Rome ODAN/ODAV | International Organisation | questionnaire design and survey methodology |
The initial technical working group (PMO/DMU, MINECOFIN, MINAGRI, MSFBelgium, FEWS) | International Organisation | questionnaire design |
A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select households within each food economy zone. Zones de dénombrement (ZD, enumeration zones) were selected first, followed by households. The 2002 census divided sectors in 7,727 ZD. ZD were also used for the 2002 and 2005 Population and Household Living Conditions Study (EICV). ZD were used for the first stage of sampling so that data from EICV studies could be incorporated in the analysis.
A total of 493 ZD were selected randomly (stratified by FEZ and well distributed throughout the former administrative provinces) from the list of all rural ZD. Within those ZD, comprehensive household lists were used to randomly select a total sample of 2,806 households. The sample size was designed to provide representative results at the FEZ level. A total of 2,786 households were interviewed for this study.
The household questionnaire (see Annex 2) was designed using a participatory approach that involved WFP and partners. The resulting instrument was a structured questionnaire using open-ended questions. Response options were provided to the enumerators but were not read to the respondents unless otherwise specified. For several questions, respondents were allowed to provide more than one response.
The survey instrument sought to collect quantitative data on 13 components: (1) demographics; (2) housing and facilities; (3) household and productive assets; (4) inputs to livelihoods; (5) migration and remittances; (6) sources of credit; (7) agricultural production; (8) expenditure; (9) food sources and consumption; (10) shocks and food security; (11) programme participation; (12) maternal health and nutrition; and (13) child health and nutrition. Sections 12 and 13 included measurement of weight and height. Standard height boards for adults and children were used to measure height. UNICEF SECA 890 electronic scales were used to weigh mothers and children.
Face validity of the questionnaire was examined by local and food security experts and the questionnaire was piloted among a random sample of people not included in the study. At each stage, the questionnaire and study protocol were revised accordingly. The questionnaire was first developed in English and then translated in the local language, Kinyarwanda. The translation was reviewed through independent back-translation and pilot interviews to address any inconsistencies.
Start | End |
2006-03-21 | 2006-04-10 |
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Government of Rwanda |
A total of 25 experienced teams conducted data collection. Each team was composed of four interviewers, one supervisor and one driver. Training was organized for the supervisors and interviewers. The training included a general overview on how to conduct interviews and practice sessions with the questionnaire and with measurement instruments.
Data collection was conducted from 21 March to 10 April under the supervision of the NSIR. A total of 25 experienced teams conducted data collection. Each team was composed of four interviewers, one supervisor and one driver. Training was organized for the supervisors and interviewers. The training included a general overview on how to conduct interviews and practice sessions with the questionnaire and with measurement instruments. Interviewers were expected to conduct an average of four interviews per day. Clear instructions on which households to interview and how to find them were provided and entered into fiches de ménages. Supervisors were provided with a list of over-sampled households in the event that a household had to be replaced. A standardized consent form was used to secure the participation of selected individuals. Participation was voluntary, and respondents did not receive any money or compensation for participating. Names were not recorded.
A team of ten people at the NSIR handled data entry for the household and community questionnaires. A database was developed using CSPro for data entry. The database was imported in SPSS for analysis. Statistical analysis was conducted by WFP in Rwanda and Rome, with the support of NSIR. SPSS and ADDATI 5.2c were used to conduct PCA and clustering analysis. Nutritional indicators were calculated using EpiInfo EPINUT. All other analysis was done using SPSS.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Institute of Statisticsof Rwanda | Ministry of Finance and Economic Plannification | | |
The data provided by the survey will be useful not only for national and international stakeholders directly engaged in the fight against food insecurity but also for public administration, private sector, civil society, researchers and other experts and institutions interested in the issue.
"National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, Comrehensive Food Security and Vulnerabiity Analysis 2006 (CFSVA 2006), v01, provided by the National Data Archive."
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | | |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Government of Rwanda | Documentation of study |
Accelerated Data Program | International Household Survey Network | Review of the metadata |
Version 02 (October 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 (May 2012) DDI that was done by National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda and reviewed by Accelerated Data Program, International Household Survey Network.