Value |
Category |
11 |
Nuclear family |
12 |
Nuclear family plus others |
13 |
Married couple, no kids, but grch |
14 |
MC, no kids, but grch and others |
15 |
MC, no kids, but niece/nephew |
16 |
MC, no kids, N/N and others |
17 |
MC, no kids, Grch and N/N |
18 |
MC, no kids, Grch, N/N and others |
19 |
MC and others only |
20 |
Widow alone |
21 |
Widow with children |
22 |
widow with children and others |
23 |
Widow with grch only |
24 |
Widow with grch and others |
25 |
Widow with n/n only |
26 |
Widow with n/n and others |
27 |
Widow with grch and n/n only |
28 |
Widow with grch, n/n and others |
29 |
Widow with others |
30 |
Other single parent alone |
31 |
OS with children |
32 |
OS with children and others |
33 |
OS with grch only |
34 |
OS with grch and others |
35 |
OS with n/n only |
36 |
OS with n/n and others |
37 |
OS with grch and n/n only |
38 |
OS with gr, n/n and others |
39 |
OS with others only |
41 |
head < 17, no one over 17, and in work force |
42 |
head , 17, no one over 17, and not in work force |
43 |
head, < 17, others over 17 and in the work force |
44 |
head < 17, others over 17 but not in the work force |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.