Interviewer instructions
This item of the block refers only to the dwelling unit or the actual residence of the sample household. The dwelling unit may be the entire structure for one household or may be only a part of it. Accordingly, the investigator will ask the informant if it is owned, hired or otherwise occupied. If the dwelling unit is owned by the occupant, code 1 will be recorded against this item. If it is taken on rent, code 2 will be entered and if it is occupied otherwise, code 9 will apply. However, if any household is found living under trees , bridges, in pipes etc. it will not be treated as living in dwelling unit. For such households code 3 will be recorded and in such cases a cross 'x' mark will be put against the items 8, 9 and 10 of the block. It may be noted that a dwelling unit constructed on a plot of land which is taken under long term lease, usually 30 years or more, will be considered as being held under owner-like possession. Similarly, a dwelling unit itself possessed by a household under a long term lease may be treated as under owner-like possession and code 1 will be applicable in such cases also.