Interviewer instructions
Ask the question "Although ___ did not work, did he/she have a job or employment during the past week?" if code in both columns 8 and 9 is "2" (No). Some persons may not have worked at all during the past week but may actually have jobs or employment which they are temporarily not reporting to, as in the following case:
Temporarily not at work due to illness/injury
On holiday vacation
On maternal/paternal leave
Temporarily not at work to attend personal/family responsibilities
On educational leave or training (outside the working place)
A person with a job to begin within 2 weeks from the date of the interview
These persons are considered employed even though they are not actually at work, thus , the code in this column should be "1" (Yes).
If the respondent says that the household member has no job/employment, enter code "2" (No) and go to column 24.