Question pretext
All persons who usually live in the household should be listed. Please include babies as well as usual members of the household who are temporarily absent such as students abroad, persons away on vacation or business trips, persons in hospitals or in penal institutions etc. However, temporary visitors to the household should not be included.
Interviewer instructions
Who should be included?
(i) For those doing 1st interview
All persons who usually live in the household should be listed. Please include babies as well as usual members of the household who are temporarily absent such as students abroad, persons away on vacation or business trips, persons in hospitals or in penal institutions etc. However, temporary visitors to the household should not be included.
(ii) For those doing 2nd or 3rd or 4th interview round
The first name of the members of the households together with the serial number, relationship to head, age and sex has been transcribed from columns 1.1 to 1.5. These are members who formed part of the household at the time of the first interview.
For the present interview round, i.e, 2nd or 3rd or 4th, you must neatly update the information from columns 1.1 to 1.5. If a member no longer forms part of the household for reason such as dead, marriage, etc., you should strike off all the information pertained to his/her line (and do not ask information from columns 1.6 to 1.10) and write the reason for his/her absence in column 1.11. As for new members not present at the time of the first interview and form part of the household at the time of the present interview (2nd or 3rd or 4th), you must allocate new serial numbers which follow from the last one already provided in column 1.1, collect all information from columns 1.2 to 1.10 and write the reason for his/her presence in the household. To note that serial number should be kept identical to the transcribed information on demography. Please do not include temporary visitors and remember the definition of a household.
If there are more than 12 persons in a household, use an additional questionnaire and change the serial numbers on the second questionnaire from 01 - 12 to 13 - 24. For 2nd, 3rd and 4th interview, please allocate new members as the next available serial number.