Question pretext
Enter the first name and demographic characteristics of every memeber of the household. Do not forget to include married children forming part of the household nad their families, and members of the household temporarily abroad.
Interviewer instructions
Now - applies to a person who is now attending a preprimary/primary/secondary school.
Past - applies to a person who has attended a preprimary/primary/secondary school in the past. If 'Yes', write Past-WR, else Past-none.
Never - applies to a person aged more than 5 years who has never been to school. For these persons, probe whether they can both write and read a simple sentence in everyday life. If 'Yes', write Never-WR, else Never-none.
CNYS - applies to a young child who has not started going to school yet.
Question post text
Past/ Never: If person can, with understanding, both read and write a simple sentence in his everyday life, insert Past-WR or Never-WR, otherwise write Past-none, Never-none.